Monday 9 September 2013

Mandela grandson banks on cashing in on legacy

Mandela grandson banks on cashing in on legacy - SundayWorld: "Dumani Mandela is planning to approach First National Bank (FNB), among others, with the proposal that it use Mandela's portrait on one of its bank cards and channel fees for the use of the portrait to charities.

But Dumani and his business partners would pocket "management fees".

In an e-mail message with the subject line "Nelson Mandela's Face FNB Remittance", which Sunday World has seen, Dumani explains his plans for the introduction of "the Nelson Mandela Legacy Card".

"I think we have to make sure to tell the bank that it is a not 'for profit' card but the fees are going to some social cause," Dumani wrote in the e-mail.

"The bank of course could pay us a percentage of the fees as a management fee for bringing the 'Legacy' card to them."

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