Monday 9 December 2013

Madiba’s ‘honorary granddaughter’ speaks

Madiba’s ‘honorary granddaughter’ speaks - Nelson Mandela | IOL News | "Nelson Mandela's long-time private assistant and “honorary granddaughter” spoke Monday of her deep love for the man who changed her life forever, though at great personal cost.

Zelda la Grange, who came from Afrikaner middle-class obscurity to become the right hand of South Africa's first black president, spoke to a private broadcaster of her love for the man she called “Khulu”, a shortened form of grandfather in Mandela's native language, isiXhosa.

The pressure was relentless, the 43-year-old said - following Mandela around the world, organising his every move and shielding him from the never-ending stream of people clamouring for a moment in his presence.

But she would never have swapped the experience for a chance at a regular family life.

“I deeply loved him,” La Grange told 702 Talk Radio of her mentor.

“I don't think you are ever prepared enough,” she said of his death on Thursday at the age of 95."

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