Sunday 8 December 2013

Mandela preached, practised reconciliation, says Zuma

Mandela preached, practised reconciliation, says Zuma | News | National | Mail & Guardian: "While speaking to churchgoers at the Bryanston Methodist Church in Johannesburg, President Jacob Zuma has praised former statesman Nelson Mandela.

A churchgoer at the Bryanston Methodist Church in Johannesburg shouted, "Oh Yes" as president Jacob Zuma praised his predecessor Nelson Mandela on Sunday.

"[These prayer services] will go a long way to heal our country," said Zuma. A woman in a yellow and black head-dress and outfit chuckled when "Oh Yes!" was repeatedly shouted from the pews in response to Zuma's speech.

ANC MP and Mandela's former wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela tilted her head, adorned in a black turban, as she listened to Zuma, her facial expression sombre and unchanging throughout the service.

Various Mandela family members and government officials were at the church, as was TV personality Oprah Winfrey's partner Stedman Graham."

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