Friday 6 December 2013

Tutu: We thank God for Madiba

Tutu: We thank God for Madiba  | Obituaries | Mail & Guardian: "I can't believe it – but, yes, it's true. Madiba, who blessed us and the world so richly, is no more.

It seemed as if he had always been with us. Although he really only strode the world as a moral colossus after 1994, when he became president of South Africa, his stature had begun to grow while he was on Robben Island, when he became the most famous political prisoner of his time and inspired many to support the Free Mandela Campaign.

He was already being described in terms that made him seem larger than life. There were rumours that some in the ANC feared he would be found to have feet of clay, and so wanted him "eliminated" before the world was disillusioned. They need not have feared. Unbelievably, he exceeded popular expectations."

'via Blog this'

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